Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Home Made Tootsie Rolls

For those of you who didn't make the tootsie rolls at our Souper Saturday and for those who want to make more, here is the recipe.  Enjoy!

3-4 cups powdered sugar
6 Tbs cocoa
¾ cup dry powdered milk
2 Tbs margarine
2 Tbs oil
½ cup Karo syrup
1 Tbs vanilla

Mix together 2 cups of  powdered sugar with cocoa and dry powdered milk.  Add margarine and work into dry ingredients.  Add oil, syrup, and vanilla.  Mix together well.  Put 1 cup powdered sugar onto table and put mixture on it.  With a spoon and hands work mixture into the sugar, adding more sugar as needed so Tootsie roll mixture isn’t sticky.  Knead until dry and easy to work with.  Roll dough into a long snake-like roll.  Cut to desired lengths.  Wrap each one in foil or wax paper.
Makes about 3 dozen depending on how big the roll is.